The internet is full of videos presenting various life hacks meant to make our everyday life easier using everyday solutions we never thought of before. If you are a fan of these incredibly satisfying videos like we are, you’ll probably know by now, that most of these suggestions look great on video, but don’t work as great in practice. This year, we decided to collect a few that we thought would be perfect to try during the summer… and we tested them for you. Check out the four winners we enjoyed most, and try them yourself over the holidays! 

1) All you need to cut perfect slices of watermelon is a piece of… dental floss. At least that’s what a viral tik tok user suggests as she cuts her watermelon in quarters (we cut in in sixths because Cyprus watermelons are significant sized fellows) and then places the dental floss between fruit and peel. With one smooth swoop, she separates the two, and uses the same piece of floss to cut downwards and serve the perfect slices. 
It sounds weird but we tried it and it works perfectly. Just make sure your dental floss is flavour-free. 

2) Do you want to use butter that has been in the fridge and is now hard a brick? Just grate the ‘brick’ in a bowl, just as you would with cheese. Grate butter softens and melts very quickly while the rest can be placed back in the fridge, unharmed.
We tried this hack as soon as we saw it during a google search vortex, and it impressed us immediately. Summer sandwiches just got a lot easier!

3) For sand-free feed, simply use powder. Yup, good old talk, sprinkled generously and rubbed on your legs and feet when you are ready to leave the beach, will absorb all those annoying grains of sand everywhere and by  the time you’ve reached the car, 1-2 wipes with a towel will get rid of them for good.  
Friends passed down this hack to us and we tried it very recently. We are pretty sure you’ll find baby powder in our beach bags for many years to come.  

4) Sleeping is a pleasure but the heat does not let you rest in the evenings? The solution is very simple! Place your pillow inside the refrigerator for 10 minutes! And if it’s full of summer delicacies, then you only have to put the pillow case inside. You will fall asleep in no time!

Seriously, we are in this together, and we always have your back. 

Have a great summer!

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