Stay healthy for wintertime

Eat meals made with in-season produce
Winter doesn’t have as many fruit and vegetables as summer and we do not eat as many, but that doesn’t mean we’re stuck eating only meat and carbs until spring. You can still build meals around seasonal produce that are high in nutritional value. Fruit such as kiwi, oranges, lemons, mandarins, pomegranates and apples are excellent sources of Vitamin C. Bananas are also a great source for vitamins and give the much-needed energy we need during winter. As far as vegetables is concerned, cabbage, dark leafy greens, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, are all valuable sources of minerals and vitamins and can be cooked in various ways.


Get a good amount of sleep
Shorter days are the perfect excuse for a bit of hibernating. Doctors recommend sleeping seven to nine hours per night to keep your body as healthy as possible. In fact, researchers found that cutting back on sleep leads to your body producing fewer flu-fighting antibodies.


Drink up 
When it gets cold out, it’s easy to forget about drinking plenty of water. But staying hydrated is still very important in the winter: It keeps your energy levels up, boosts your immune system, aids digestion and helps skin stay moisturized. Another way to take in more water: Eat juicy fruits like apples and oranges.



Up your Vitamin D levels
Someone would think that, vitamin D, coming from sunlight, is the least of our problems here in Cyprus. However, recent research has shown, that we have a lack of it due to the fact that we avoid sun exposure, we use sun protection all year round. Since Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients our body needs as it helps assimilate calcium, good for our bones. When levels get low, take the appropriate vitamins and also, drink full fat milk (very rich in vitamins D and A), eat full fat cheeses e.g. cheddar and also oily dish such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Note also that mushrooms can synthesize a form of vitamin D easily, so since they are in season, eat plenty!



Skincare is Important
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It is essential that proper care of your skin is taken because the condition of your skin is directly related to your comfort level. The harsh, dry atmosphere of the wintertime can have negative effects on your skin. The best time to moisturize your skin is after your skin is damp when you exit the shower. Rubbing lotion or body oil on damp skin seals the moisture into your skin. During winter, do remember to apply sunscreen lotion, at least SPF30.


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